Friday, May 29, 2009

Chicken sausage

Yup, that's what's for dinner.

Quiet and boring day. Will pick up replacement window sash and new screens tonight. Probably a whole-day project to replace sash with broken double pane.

Cats are still in afternoon snooze mode. Grady is currently dozing on / near the laptop, here are today's cat pictures. Gracie is in the La-z-boy chair, but spent her share
of lap time earlier today.

Planning to do some sailing on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday may be solo. I need to finish mounting the new remote microphone cable on the stern pulpit. Drilled the holes and mounted the through-hull cable seal on Wednesday.

Wow, I just ran across critical information that everyone should really be aware of, with regards to chemtrails. Everyone should be aware of this site, and be wearing their tin foil hat 24 hours a day, too: